We do
not provide medical
is intended for use as a mineral dietary silver supplement.
teaspoon is used only as a measurement. Advanced Silver
should be used directly from dropper, or spray bottle, while avoiding
of bottle contents with any items, including cotton balls or swabs. If
an actual teaspoon is needed,
use plastic spoons.
About Colloidal Silver
Frequently Asked Questions
What is colloidal silver?
What is colloidal silver for?
Colloidal silver what is it?

is commonly used for its antimicrobial effect* in burn & wound care; bandage products; plastic
products and surfaces in
hospitals; water purification of drinking and swimming, and among many
other uses, can be found in space station and space shuttle water treatment systems.
Silver can be used in a colloidal liquid silver form, but can also be
impregnated into products such as plastics and fibers used for air & water filters.
Historically, colloidal silver has been used for many years as a germ
fighter and was well known for its antimicrobial properties. Silver
can also be taken internally as a dietary supplement.
Advanced Silver is sold for internal use as a dietary supplement.
"KeyBoard Dust Spray" is intended for use as a dust wipe. For more details, see
What's Silver Used For?

"Silver has been known for its antimicrobial properties for decades"
Nov. 8, 2007
Where to get colloidal silver?
Where to find colloidal silver?
Where can i get colloidal silver?
Where can i find colloidal silver?

brand that you choose should be
ionic colloidal silver. The
ionic form of colloidal silver is best and the most effective because
smaller size matters.
"The ionic
form of silver
is necessary"
Columbia Ministry of EnvironmentAt
Advanced Silver we only sell
ionic colloidal silver.
Research shows
ionic colloidal silver to be most effective,
which is typically availabe at a ratio of 85% ionic silver to 15%
particulate silver.
Be aware that many particulate colloidal silver companies
typically have the exact
profile in their products with a ratio of 15% ionic silver to 85% particulate silver, which is less
effective and requires caution to avoid
argyria - the grey skin
the difference between ionic-colloidal silver, colloidal
silver, and

Ionic-colloidal silver
has a higher
silver content, and a smaller
percentage of (particulate) colloidal silver
contains 85% ionic silver, and 15% (particulate)
colloidal silver.
Colloidal silver
will have a higher percentage of colloidal silver (particulate), and
less ionic silver, often containing 20% ionic silver / 80% colloidal
silver. However, because
silver is the most common and best known term, it is often
used to describe all silver water products, including
Advanced Silver's Ionic
Colloidal Silver.
By far, the majority of people use this term in their search engines,
so it's become the most utilized term to describe silver water
Nano silver
refers to its size. All colloidal silvers have nano-sized
silver. The ideal for any colloidal silver product is to
have a
large percentage of nano-sized particles that are well dispersed.
What does 10
ppm mean?

"ppm" is the acronym for Parts Per Million. The concentration
of silver in colloidal silver, and many other substances, can be
measured in ppm. This measurement is equivalent to the following:
1 ppm = 1 mg of silver per liter of water
10 ppm = 10 mg of silver per liter of water
How long does
silver take to work?

Depending on the type of silver colloidal
use (e.g. spray,
external), and how far along you are, you may notice a difference in
one to six days.
Advanced Silver
is sold for internal use as a dietary supplement.] We recommend holding
colloidal silver in the mouth for
one minute or more before swallowing. Silver used on
skin pathogens usually 'works' quicker, but spray
inhalation can also be quick for internal
use, and a day or two
may produce some results. If you want colloidal silver for intestinal
use, add 3 teaspoons
to distilled water, drink twice a day. We suggest using
Silver for 10 days, at the maximum daily dose of 7
teaspoons. Then, we
suggest taking a 7 day break from silver use to allow your body to
remove any accumulation. However,
can be taken for 4-6 weeks if using 3 or fewer daily doses.
One dose
equals 1 teaspoon, and contains 50 mcg (50 µg) of silver.
found in human diet
to 88
µg/day (Kehoe et al., 1940)."
World Health Org
How long can I
use silver water?

• According
to a report by the
World Health Organization,
up to 88 mcg of silver were consumed in a
daily human diet. But, this study was done in the 1940s, before fast
foods, and
junk foods were common. Assuming you eat all your fruits and
vegetables daily, your normal silver intake could be as high as
50 to 100 mcg per day. And, according the
Canada's Health
Department, it could be much higher than that if you
frequently eat mushrooms. (
the high silver content of mushrooms contributes to the many
health benefits of eating them.)
• One dose
Advanced Silver
contains 50 mcg of silver. So, assuming you are a junk-food-junky, then
taking one or two daily doses of
Silver may actually keep you at the level of silver
consumed by a
1940s individual, before the "high-tech" farming practices depleted the
topsoils of minerals.
• 90-99%
of silver is
quickly removed by the body within just two days (*EPA, see next
question). By taking occasional breaks from silver use, you may be able
avoid silver accumulation in the body, and continue to consume
Advanced Silver
when needed.
considers 350 mcg per day a safe amount for daily consumption, over a
year period. This equals 7 teaspoons of
Advanced Silver
daily for 70 years.
How long does colloidal silver
stay inside the body?

Based on animal studies, most silver is removed from the body
in two days.
"In all
four species, very little silver was absorbed from
the GI tract. Cumulative excretion ranged from 90 to 99% on the second
day after ingestion, with <1% of the dose being retained in
<1 week in monkeys, rats and mice." -
I used
colloidal silver, but it made me worse. Should I have taken more, or

may have started with too much silver. Taking too much liquid silver
create a large die-off of pathogens (germs) which overtaxes the body's
ability to remove them just as quickly. This may create a worse
feeling, temporarily. (Drinking 8 glasses, or more, per day of
distilled water is very
important during this time.) Search engine the term "Herxheimer" for
more info
about this effect. You may wish to start with a lower number of daily
doses, and work up 7 teaspoons daily, over a 2-3 day period. This
doesn't necessarily
apply for all uses. For example, external uses on skin were
historically pursued more aggressively, using multiple applications of
silver per day. We suggest a maximum dose of 7 teaspoons per day, for
up to 10 days. Then take a 7 day break before continuing with silver
use, to allow the removal of any possible silver accumulation in the
(Due to FDA regulations, we only recommend
Advanced Silver for
use as a dietary supplement)
Does Advanced
Silver need to be refrigerated?

not refrigerate colloidal silver. Simply keep away from direct
sunlight, and keep away
from electrical or magnetic items.
Is my silver
any good if it was frozen?

Freezing will not ruin ionic-colloidal silver, e.g. Advanced
Silver. Simply let it thaw, and use.
What is proper
storage for colloidal silver?

It's preferable to keep your liquid silver in tinted glass, away
from direct sunlight. But using a clear glass in a dark cabinet is
fine. Do
not refrigerate. Keep away from magnets, speakers, monitor, TV,
electronics, electrical outlets, etc.
How long does
ionic-colloidal silver stay good?

recommend using your liquid silver within 3 years. Fresh is best for
anything. But you may find that much older colloidal silver will still
have good
effects. Do not contaminate your silver with contact from lips, q-tips,
cotton balls, fingers, etc.
Can Advanced
Silver cause my skin to turn blue or gray (known as Argyria)?

Silver WILL NOT turn your skin blue or gray, if used as
directed. According to
Ridge National Laboratory Formal
Toxicity Summary for
"accumulation leads to
argyria when the body burden is > 1 g
(Stokinger, 1981)."
• One
serving of
Silver contains only 50 mcg
of silver. One gallon of
Silver contains 38400 mcg (.04 grams)
of silver. So, twenty-five (25) gallons
is needed to
equal 1 gram of silver. If you can drink > 25 gallons
of 10 ppm ionic-colloidal silver fairly quickly, you might be able to
blue or gray skin. [Some colloidal silver products contain up to 500
ppm of silver, or more, and such products do have the possibility of
producing blue/gray skin.]
• Silver
is excreted from the body
quickly. 90% of silver is removed in just two days (
So, if you are a frequent user of colloidal silver, taking an
occasional week off from silver use may remove accumulations
of silver.
We suggest 10 days of silver use, followed by a 7 day break.
• The
average human diet (
you ate all your fruits and
vegetables) contains up to 88 mcg of silver (
• 88 mcg
of silver is equal to 1.8 servings (
two daily doses) of
Is it safe to
give colloidal silver to pets?

Google the terms: colloidal silver pet, dog, cat, bird, or
fish, and
the name
of the issue, to learn more about success stories of a particular
Advanced Silver
may be given to pets with distilled water only. We
suggest using 2-3 teaspoons of
Silver per water bowl of distilled water. Keep away from
sunlight. It's
best to start with a lower dose for the first 2 or 3 days.
[Even plants appear to do
better with a little silver in their water. Also see
uses for silver before 1999.]
Does colloidal
silver kill good bacteria?

Yes, it can, if it makes it to their location. However, at 1
teaspoon doses, which are held in the mouth for 1 minute, most silver
is absorbed before making it to the good bacteria's location. If you
wish to get silver to the good bacteria's location, you can add 1-3
teaspoons of
Silver to a glass of distilled water for drinking
on an empty stomach. In any case, you should consider using a
regular probiotic supplement to keep a healthy supply of good bacteria
the job.
Can I get
colloidal silver in a pharmacy?

Maybe. But, many health food stores carry colloidal silver.
Is Advanced
Silver approved by the FDA?

Dietary supplements do not require FDA approval.
Advanced Silver is
sold as a mineral dietary supplement.
"Manufacturers and
distributors do not need FDA approval to sell their
dietary supplements. This means that FDA does not keep a list of
manufacturers, distributors or the dietary supplement products they
Is Advanced
Silver safe for children.

Silver is safe for children. We suggest
using half of adult dose for children.
Can I use
Advanced Silver on my skin?

to FDA regulations,
Silver is sold as a dietary supplement for internal use.
However, silver has been used historically for use on skin, and many
silver products have been
by the FDA for
external use.
Safe Ionic Colloidal
Silver Water, 10 ppm*
available in dropper
bottles, spray bottles, and larger refill sizes. Safe used as
directed. (EPA*)
 "Silver has been known for its antimicrobial properties for decades"
Nov. 8, 2007
United Nations World Health Organization
Silver is found in human diet ...
"up to 88 µg/day (Kehoe et al., 1940)." - U.N. World Health Org
Health Canada
Common foods contain silver: Wheat flour, bran, meat, ...
"several hundred
milligrams per kilogram, have been recorded in mushrooms"
- Health Canada
National Institutes of Health - Pub Med
"Nanosilver has developed as a potent antibacterial, antifungal, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory agent. ... The targeting of cancer cells using silver nanoparticles has proven to be effective"
- Pub Med, NIH.gov - Nov-Dec 2009
National Institutes of Health - Pub Med
"[silver colloid nanoparticles] showed high antimicrobial and bactericidal activity ... including
highly multiresistant strains ... A very low concentration of silver (as low as 1.69 mug/mL Ag) gave antibacterial performance."
- Pub Med, NIH.gov - August 2006
Government of British Columbia
"Silver is a disinfectant for non-spore forming bacteria at concentrations about 1000 times lower than the levels at which it is toxic to mammalian life. ...The ionic form of silver is necessary"
- British Columbia Ministry of Environment
Nursing Times
"Silver Treated Products Reduce Levels of Hospital Bacterial Contamination"
- NursingTimes.net
Journal of Infection Prevention
"A mean reduction in bacterial counts of 95.8%
was demonstrated"
- Journal of Infection Prevention
statements have not been evaluted by the Food & Drug
Administration. Advanced
Silver Company
products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure
or prevent any disease. |