Research on Colloidal Silver
by Robert C. Holladay
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*Opinions expressed by third-party sources are not necessarily those of Advanced Silver Co.
Research on Colloidal Silver
(One of the better compilations of silver research studies)
Some of the interesting highlights ...
The antimicrobial properties of silver are due to the silver ion... (Romans, I.B. 1954. Oligodynamic metals. In Antiseptics, Disinfectants, Fungicides, and Chemical and Physical Sterilization. Philadelphia, Lea & Febiger, 388-428.)
Silver ions are bactericidal, antifungal, protozoicidal, and active against herpes simplex virus... (Russell, A.D., et al. 1994. Antimicrobial activity and action of silver. Progress in Medicinal Chemistry, 31, 351-370.)
Silver sulfadiazine is effective against fungi. (Speck, William T., and Rosenkranz, Herbert S. 1974. Activity of silver sulphadiazine against dermatophytes. The Lancet, 895-896.)
Among viruses affecting the eyes, herpes simplex (HSV) and vesicular stomatitis viruses (VSV) were found to be susceptible to direct inactivation by this compound (silver sulfadiazine). At 1 microgram/ml it suppressed HSV growth I tissue culture... (Tokumaru, T., Shimizu, Y., and Fox, C.L. Jr. 1974. Antiviral activities of silver sulfadiazine in ocular infection. Research Communications in Chemical Pathology and Pharmacology, 8(1), 151-158.)
Silver sulfadiazine inactivates the infectivity of varicella zoster virus. “the inhibitory action of the silver salt of sulfadiazine is believed to be related to the presence of the silver ion”. (Montes, Leopoldo F., Muchinik, Guillermo, and Fox, Charles L. 1986. Response of varicella zoster virus and herpes zoster to silver sulfadiazine. Cutis, 38, 363-365.)
“Metal-binding proteins are important components of retroviruses such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Therefore, metals could be used as antiviral agents. However, most metals are toxic for humans with the exception of silver which is toxic only to prokaryotic cells and viruses… (Hussain, Saber, Anner, Rolf M., and Anner, Beatrice M. 1992. Cysteine protects Na, K-ATPase and isolated human lymphocytes from silver toxicity. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 189(3), 1444-1449.)
“The drugs of colloidal silver collargol and protargol were found to have activity against the smallpox virus. (Bogdanchikova, N.Y., et al. 1992. Activity of colloidal silver preparations toward smallpox. Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 26(9-10), 778.)
“Ag+ solutions exhibited better antimicrobial effectiveness against bacteria, a yeast species, and a mold than did analogous silver solutions from inorganic salts (silver nitrate and silver chloride)…Ag+ could be used effectively in preservatives…the microbicidal activity of silver is significantly ion influenced ”. (Simonetti, N., et al. 1992. Electrochemical Ag+ for preservative use. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 58(12), 3834-3836.)
“Silver, a well-known antimicrobial agent, has been used in clinical settings for more than a century. During this period, the safety of this agent has been well established… In addition to being effective against fungi, this method of silver application has also been demonstrated to be effacious against a broad spectrum of bacteria, including antibiotic-resistant strains… (Wright, J.B., et al. 1999. Efficacy of topical silver against fungal burn wound pathogens. American Journal of Infection Control, 27(4), 344-349.)
"To be bactericidal, the silver must be available as a solution, and the efficiacy of the solution is dependent on the concentration of silver ions present in the solution…silver is effective against a broad range of antibiotic-resistant organisms, which is expected because silver has been regularly found to be effective against antibiotic-resistant organisms”. (Wright, J. Barry, Lam, Kan, and Burrell, Robert E. 1998. Wound management in an era of increasing bacterial antibiotic resistance: a role for topical silver treatment. American Journal of Infection Control, 26(6), 572-577.)
“Beginning in 1973, in vitro studies demonstrated that such ions were an effective antibiotic with a very broad spectrum and favorable quantitative evaluations compared with synthetic antibiotics…The failure of other nontoxic metal ions to produce a similar alteration with the same electrical parameters strongly indicates that the electrically generated silver ion is the agent responsible for the observed cellular changes…Healing rates in these wounds are significantly accelerated and are accompanied by enhanced healing of the bone, soft tissue, nerve, and skin, with replacement of missing tissues by histologically normal tissues…The responsible agent for these cellular effects is believed to be the electrically generated silver ion”. (Becker, Robert O. 2000. Effects of electrically generated silver ions on human cells and wound healing. Electro- and Magnetobiology, 19(1), 1-19.)
Silver ions were more effective at inhibiting bacteria than platinum, gold, copper and stainless steel ions. (Spadaro, J.A., et al. 1974. Antibacterial effects of silver electrodes with weak direct current. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 6(5), 637-642.)
“The Ag+ filler showed significantly more antibacterial activity than the control filler without silver ions…The findings indicate that the antibacterial effect is due to silver ions released from the Ag+-containing filler.” (Yamamoto, Kohji, et al. 1996. Antibacterial activity of silver ions implanted in silicone dioxide filler on oral Streptococci. Dental Materials. 12: 227-229.)
Electrodes made from stainless steel, platinum, gold, and silver were placed in dishes containing bacteria. Current was applied. The silver electrode offered superior inhibition. (Barranco, S.D. et al. 1974. In vitro effect of weak direct current on Staphylococcus Aureus. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. 100: 250-255.)
CS (colloidal silver) manufactured by electrolysis is superior to other methods of manufacture because it produces a pure product without by-products which might be difficult to separate. (Samaan, Karam. 1930. A comparison of the germicidal power of colloidal metallic silver and of ionic silver. Quarterly Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 3: 21-24.)
It has been shown that the ionic portion of a colloidal silver protein is the germicidal component. (Sollman, Torald, and J.D. Pilcher 1924. Organic, protein and colloid silver compounds: Does the “colloidal silver” become available as antiseptic? Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine. 10:38-42.)
...the bactericidal power of CS (colloidal silver) is due to the silver ion. (Uegaki, Shingo. 1930. Influence of the blood constituents on the bactericidal power of colloidal silver. Japanese Journal of Experimental Medicine. 8: 573-613.)
Advanced Silver is sold for internal use as a dietary supplement.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Common foods contain silver: Wheat flour, bran, meat, ... ![]() ![]() "Nanosilver has developed as a potent antibacterial, antifungal, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory agent. ... The targeting of cancer cells using silver nanoparticles has proven to be effective" - Pub Med, - Nov-Dec 2009 ![]() "[silver colloid nanoparticles] showed high antimicrobial and bactericidal activity ... including highly multiresistant strains ... A very low concentration of silver (as low as 1.69 mug/mL Ag) gave antibacterial performance." - Pub Med, - August 2006 ![]() "Silver is a disinfectant for non-spore forming bacteria at concentrations about 1000 times lower than the levels at which it is toxic to mammalian life. ...The ionic form of silver is necessary" - British Columbia Ministry of Environment ![]() "Silver Treated Products Reduce Levels of Hospital Bacterial Contamination" - ![]() "A mean reduction in bacterial counts of 95.8% was demonstrated" - Journal of Infection Prevention |

Safe Ionic Colloidal
Silver Water, 10 ppm*
Advanced Silver is
available in dropper
bottles, spray bottles, and larger refill sizes. Safe used as
directed. (EPA*)* These statements have not been evaluted by the Food & Drug Administration. Advanced Silver Company products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. |